On the Impact of Feeding Cost Risk in Aquaculture Valuation and Decision Making


より具体的には、大豆先物を使用してサケ飼料の確率的挙動を推論し、シュワルツ 2 因子モデルに従うと仮定します。
方法論的な観点から、ディープ ニューラル ネットワークを使用して、より古典的な回帰ベースのカーブ フィッティング手法を改良して、収集または継続を決定する決定境界を推論する方法を示します。


We study the effect of stochastic feeding costs on animal-based commodities with particular focus on aquaculture. More specifically, we use soybean futures to infer on the stochastic behaviour of salmon feed, which we assume to follow a Schwartz-2-factor model. We compare the decision of harvesting salmon using a decision rule assuming either deterministic or stochastic feeding costs, i.e. including feeding cost risk. We identify cases, where accounting for stochastic feeding costs leads to significant improvements as well as cases where deterministic feeding costs are a good enough proxy. Nevertheless, in all of these cases, the newly derived rules show superior performance, while the additional computational costs are negligible. From a methodological point of view, we demonstrate how to use Deep-Neural-Networks to infer on the decision boundary that determines harvesting or continuation, improving on more classical regression-based and curve-fitting methods. To achieve this we use a deep classifier, which not only improves on previous results but also scales well for higher dimensional problems, and in addition mitigates effects due to model uncertainty, which we identify in this article. effects due to model uncertainty, which we identify in this article.


著者 Christian Oliver Ewald,Kevin Kamm
発行日 2023-09-06 13:09:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.OC, q-fin.CP, q-fin.RM パーマリンク