Open problems in causal structure learning: A case study of COVID-19 in the UK


因果関係機械学習 (ML) アルゴリズムは、因果関係について何かを伝えるグラフィック構造を回復します。
しかし、因果関係 ML は、関連性 ML に比べて実際には限定的な影響しか与えていません。
この論文では、英国の COVID-19 パンデミック データに適用した因果関係 ML の課題を調査します。


Causal machine learning (ML) algorithms recover graphical structures that tell us something about cause-and-effect relationships. The causal representation praovided by these algorithms enables transparency and explainability, which is necessary for decision making in critical real-world problems. Yet, causal ML has had limited impact in practice compared to associational ML. This paper investigates the challenges of causal ML with application to COVID-19 UK pandemic data. We collate data from various public sources and investigate what the various structure learning algorithms learn from these data. We explore the impact of different data formats on algorithms spanning different classes of learning, and assess the results produced by each algorithm, and groups of algorithms, in terms of graphical structure, model dimensionality, sensitivity analysis, confounding variables, predictive and interventional inference. We use these results to highlight open problems in causal structure learning and directions for future research. To facilitate future work, we make all graphs, models, data sets, and source code publicly available online.


著者 Anthony Constantinou,Neville K. Kitson,Yang Liu,Kiattikun Chobtham,Arian Hashemzadeh,Praharsh A. Nanavati,Rendani Mbuvha,Bruno Petrungaro
発行日 2023-09-06 15:42:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク