Accurate Gaussian Process Distance Fields with applications to Echolocation and Mapping


この論文では、ガウス過程 (GP) 回帰を使用して、ノイズの多い点群から距離フィールドを推定する新しい方法を紹介します。
これは、任意のクエリ ポイントおよび最も近いサーフェスからの最短距離として定義されます。
提案された方法の重要な概念は、GP で推定された占有フィールドを正確な距離フィールドに変換するために使用される復帰関数です。
復帰関数は、選択した GP カーネルに固有です。


This paper introduces a novel method to estimate distance fields from noisy point clouds using Gaussian Process (GP) regression. Distance fields, or distance functions, gained popularity for applications like point cloud registration, odometry, SLAM, path planning, shape reconstruction, etc. A distance field provides a continuous representation of the scene. It is defined as the shortest distance from any query point and the closest surface. The key concept of the proposed method is a reverting function used to turn a GP-inferred occupancy field into an accurate distance field. The reverting function is specific to the chosen GP kernel. This paper provides the theoretical derivation of the proposed method and its relationship to existing techniques. The improved accuracy compared with existing distance fields is demonstrated with simulated experiments. The level of accuracy of the proposed approach enables novel applications that rely on precise distance estimation. This work presents echolocation and mapping frameworks for ultrasonic-guided wave sensing in metallic structures. These methods leverage the proposed distance field with a physics-based measurement model accounting for the propagation of the ultrasonic waves in the material. Real-world experiments are conducted to demonstrate the soundness of these frameworks.


著者 Cedric Le Gentil,Othmane-Latif Ouabi,Lan Wu,Cedric Pradalier,Teresa Vidal-Calleja
発行日 2023-09-05 12:07:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク