Lifelike Agility and Play on Quadrupedal Robots using Reinforcement Learning and Generative Pre-trained Models


従来のコントローラーやタスク固有のエンドツーエンド RL 手法とは異なり、動物の行動に関する表現的な知識を保存するために、動物の動作データセットに対して生成モデルを事前トレーニングすることを提案します。
私たちは、訓練されたマルチレベル コントローラーを社内で開発された四足歩行ロボットである MAX ロボットに適用することに成功し、動物を模倣し、複雑な障害物を横断し、設計された挑戦的なマルチエージェント チェイス タグ ゲームでプレイします。そこでは本物のような機敏性と戦略が現れます。


Summarizing knowledge from animals and human beings inspires robotic innovations. In this work, we propose a framework for driving legged robots act like real animals with lifelike agility and strategy in complex environments. Inspired by large pre-trained models witnessed with impressive performance in language and image understanding, we introduce the power of advanced deep generative models to produce motor control signals stimulating legged robots to act like real animals. Unlike conventional controllers and end-to-end RL methods that are task-specific, we propose to pre-train generative models over animal motion datasets to preserve expressive knowledge of animal behavior. The pre-trained model holds sufficient primitive-level knowledge yet is environment-agnostic. It is then reused for a successive stage of learning to align with the environments by traversing a number of challenging obstacles that are rarely considered in previous approaches, including creeping through narrow spaces, jumping over hurdles, freerunning over scattered blocks, etc. Finally, a task-specific controller is trained to solve complex downstream tasks by reusing the knowledge from previous stages. Enriching the knowledge regarding each stage does not affect the usage of other levels of knowledge. This flexible framework offers the possibility of continual knowledge accumulation at different levels. We successfully apply the trained multi-level controllers to the MAX robot, a quadrupedal robot developed in-house, to mimic animals, traverse complex obstacles, and play in a designed challenging multi-agent Chase Tag Game, where lifelike agility and strategy emerge on the robots. The present research pushes the frontier of robot control with new insights on reusing multi-level pre-trained knowledge and solving highly complex downstream tasks in the real world.


著者 Lei Han,Qingxu Zhu,Jiapeng Sheng,Chong Zhang,Tingguang Li,Yizheng Zhang,He Zhang,Yuzhen Liu,Cheng Zhou,Rui Zhao,Jie Li,Yufeng Zhang,Rui Wang,Wanchao Chi,Xiong Li,Yonghui Zhu,Lingzhu Xiang,Xiao Teng,Zhengyou Zhang
発行日 2023-08-29 09:22:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク