Spectral Estimators for Structured Generalized Linear Models via Approximate Message Passing


スペクトル推定器は広く使用されているにもかかわらず、スペクトル推定器の厳密な性能特性評価とデータを前処理する原則的な方法は、非構造化 (i.i.d. ガウスおよびハール) 設計でのみ利用可能です。
この問題に対処するために、特徴共分散行列 $\Sigma$ を介して測定値の異方性の性質を捉える相関ガウス計画を検討します。
注目すべきことに、そのような最適なスペクトル推定器は、データから一貫して推定できる正規化されたトレースを通じてのみ $\Sigma$ に依存します。
この困難を回避するために、固定点が目的のスペクトル推定器と一致する近似メッセージ パッシング アルゴリズムの設計と分析に基づいた新しい戦略を開発します。


We consider the problem of parameter estimation from observations given by a generalized linear model. Spectral methods are a simple yet effective approach for estimation: they estimate the parameter via the principal eigenvector of a matrix obtained by suitably preprocessing the observations. Despite their wide use, a rigorous performance characterization of spectral estimators, as well as a principled way to preprocess the data, is available only for unstructured (i.e., i.i.d. Gaussian and Haar) designs. In contrast, real-world design matrices are highly structured and exhibit non-trivial correlations. To address this problem, we consider correlated Gaussian designs which capture the anisotropic nature of the measurements via a feature covariance matrix $\Sigma$. Our main result is a precise asymptotic characterization of the performance of spectral estimators in this setting. This then allows to identify the optimal preprocessing that minimizes the number of samples needed to meaningfully estimate the parameter. Remarkably, such an optimal spectral estimator depends on $\Sigma$ only through its normalized trace, which can be consistently estimated from the data. Numerical results demonstrate the advantage of our principled approach over previous heuristic methods. Existing analyses of spectral estimators crucially rely on the rotational invariance of the design matrix. This key assumption does not hold for correlated Gaussian designs. To circumvent this difficulty, we develop a novel strategy based on designing and analyzing an approximate message passing algorithm whose fixed point coincides with the desired spectral estimator. Our methodology is general, and opens the way to the precise characterization of spiked matrices and of the corresponding spectral methods in a variety of settings.


著者 Yihan Zhang,Hong Chang Ji,Ramji Venkataramanan,Marco Mondelli
発行日 2023-08-28 11:49:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT, math.PR, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク