Snapp: An Agile Robotic Fish with 3-D Maneuverability for Open Water Swim


これらの制限に対処するために、私たちは、高速かつ完全な 3 次元操作性で外海を泳ぐことができる統合型ロボット魚 Snapp を設計しました。
2 つの独立した胸びれがピッチとロールを制御します。
私たちはオープンウォーター環境で Snapp を評価しました。
私たちは、速度と操縦性が大幅に向上し、1.5 m/s (1 秒あたり 1.7 体の長さ) の遊泳速度を達成し、8 の字や S 字の軌道などの複雑な操縦を実行できることを実証しました。


Fish exhibit impressive locomotive performance and agility in complex underwater environments, using their undulating tails and pectoral fins for propulsion and maneuverability. Replicating these abilities in robotic fish is challenging; existing designs focus on either fast swimming or directional control at limited speeds, mainly within a confined environment. To address these limitations, we designed Snapp, an integrated robotic fish capable of swimming in open water with high speeds and full 3-dimensional maneuverability. A novel cyclic-differential method is layered on the mechanism. It integrates propulsion and yaw-steering for fast course corrections. Two independent pectoral fins provide pitch and roll control. We evaluated Snapp in open water environments. We demonstrated significant improvements in speed and maneuverability, achieving swimming speeds of 1.5 m/s (1.7 Body Lengths per second) and performing complex maneuvers, such as a figure-8 and S-shape trajectory. Instantaneous yaw changes of 15$^{\circ}$ in 0.4 s, a minimum turn radius of 0.85 m, and maximum pitch and roll rates of 3.5 rad/s and 1 rad/s, respectively, were recorded. Our results suggest that Snapp’s swimming capabilities have excellent practical prospects for open seas and contribute significantly to developing agile robotic fishes.


著者 Timothy J. K. Ng,Nan Chen,Fu Zhang
発行日 2023-08-25 03:59:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク