Designing an attack-defense game: how to increase robustness of financial transaction models via a competition


より正確ではあるが潜在的に脆弱なニューラル ネットワークが銀行で採用されるようになるにつれて、脅威はさらに深刻になります。
私たちは、逐次金融データを入力として使用するニューラル ネットワーク モデルに対する敵対的な攻撃と防御の現状とダイナミクスを調査することを目的としています。


Given the escalating risks of malicious attacks in the finance sector and the consequential severe damage, a thorough understanding of adversarial strategies and robust defense mechanisms for machine learning models is critical. The threat becomes even more severe with the increased adoption in banks more accurate, but potentially fragile neural networks. We aim to investigate the current state and dynamics of adversarial attacks and defenses for neural network models that use sequential financial data as the input. To achieve this goal, we have designed a competition that allows realistic and detailed investigation of problems in modern financial transaction data. The participants compete directly against each other, so possible attacks and defenses are examined in close-to-real-life conditions. Our main contributions are the analysis of the competition dynamics that answers the questions on how important it is to conceal a model from malicious users, how long does it take to break it, and what techniques one should use to make it more robust, and introduction additional way to attack models or increase their robustness. Our analysis continues with a meta-study on the used approaches with their power, numerical experiments, and accompanied ablations studies. We show that the developed attacks and defenses outperform existing alternatives from the literature while being practical in terms of execution, proving the validity of the competition as a tool for uncovering vulnerabilities of machine learning models and mitigating them in various domains.


著者 Alexey Zaytsev,Alex Natekin,Evgeni Vorsin,Valerii Smirnov,Georgii Smirnov,Oleg Sidorshin,Alexander Senin,Alexander Dudin,Dmitry Berestnev
発行日 2023-08-23 08:00:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.LG, q-fin.ST パーマリンク