The SO(3) and SE(3) Lie Algebras of Rigid Body Rotations and Motions and their Application to Discrete Integration, Gradient Descent Optimization, and State Estimation


離散積分、勾配降下最適化、状態推定 (それぞれ、ルンゲ・クッタ法、ガウス・ニュートン最小化、拡張カルマン フィルターまたは EKF によって例示される) などの古典的な数学的手法は、線形代数に依存しているため、状態にのみ適用できます。
これらの概念は、R3 の特別な直交群および特別なユークリッド群として知られる SO(3) および SE(3) リー群の特定のケースに特化されており、剛体の回転と運動を表し、それらのさまざまな可能なパラメータ化も説明します。


Classical mathematical techniques such as discrete integration, gradient descent optimization, and state estimation (exemplified by the Runge-Kutta method, Gauss-Newton minimization, and extended Kalman filter or EKF, respectively), rely on linear algebra and hence are only applicable to state vectors belonging to Euclidean spaces when implemented as described in the literature. This document discusses how to modify these methods so they can be applied to non-Euclidean state vectors, such as those containing rotations and full motions of rigid bodies. To do so, this document provides an in-depth review of the concept of manifolds or Lie groups, together with their tangent spaces or Lie algebras, their exponential and logarithmic maps, the analysis of perturbations, the treatment of uncertainty and covariance, and in particular the definitions of the Jacobians required to employ the previously mentioned calculus methods. These concepts are particularized to the specific cases of the SO(3) and SE(3) Lie groups, known as the special orthogonal and special Euclidean groups of R3, which represent the rigid body rotations and motions, describing their various possible parameterizations as well as their advantages and disadvantages.


著者 Eduardo Gallo
発行日 2023-08-17 10:14:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク