Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by Consensus


深層学習を使用すると、敵対的攻撃を受けやすくなりますが、複数のロボットは、個々のロボットよりも協力してシーンを認識 (例: 物体を検出) できます。
これとは異なり、私たちは、目に見えない攻撃者に対して一般化可能な新しいサンプリングベースの防御戦略である ROBOSAC を提案します。
自動運転シナリオにおける協調的な 3D オブジェクト検出のタスクに関する方法を検証します。


Multiple robots could perceive a scene (e.g., detect objects) collaboratively better than individuals, although easily suffer from adversarial attacks when using deep learning. This could be addressed by the adversarial defense, but its training requires the often-unknown attacking mechanism. Differently, we propose ROBOSAC, a novel sampling-based defense strategy generalizable to unseen attackers. Our key idea is that collaborative perception should lead to consensus rather than dissensus in results compared to individual perception. This leads to our hypothesize-and-verify framework: perception results with and without collaboration from a random subset of teammates are compared until reaching a consensus. In such a framework, more teammates in the sampled subset often entail better perception performance but require longer sampling time to reject potential attackers. Thus, we derive how many sampling trials are needed to ensure the desired size of an attacker-free subset, or equivalently, the maximum size of such a subset that we can successfully sample within a given number of trials. We validate our method on the task of collaborative 3D object detection in autonomous driving scenarios.


著者 Yiming Li,Qi Fang,Jiamu Bai,Siheng Chen,Felix Juefei-Xu,Chen Feng
発行日 2023-08-18 02:40:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.MA, cs.RO パーマリンク