Autoencoding a Soft Touch to Learn Grasping from On-land to Underwater


この研究では、教師付き変分オートエンコーダ (SVAE) を使用して 6D の力とトルク (FT) を学習する視覚ベースのソフト ロボット フィンガーを介して、陸上から水中への把握知識の伝達可能性を調査します。
結果は、訓練された SVAE モデルが陸上から水中に伝達可能なソフトメカニクスの一連の潜在表現を学習し、市販の FT センサーと比べて変化する環境への優れた適応を示したことを示しています。


Robots play a critical role as the physical agent of human operators in exploring the ocean. However, it remains challenging to grasp objects reliably while fully submerging under a highly pressurized aquatic environment with little visible light, mainly due to the fluidic interference on the tactile mechanics between the finger and object surfaces. This study investigates the transferability of grasping knowledge from on-land to underwater via a vision-based soft robotic finger that learns 6D forces and torques (FT) using a Supervised Variational Autoencoder (SVAE). A high-framerate camera captures the whole-body deformations while a soft robotic finger interacts with physical objects on-land and underwater. Results show that the trained SVAE model learned a series of latent representations of the soft mechanics transferrable from land to water, presenting a superior adaptation to the changing environments against commercial FT sensors. Soft, delicate, and reactive grasping enabled by tactile intelligence enhances the gripper’s underwater interaction with improved reliability and robustness at a much-reduced cost, paving the path for learning-based intelligent grasping to support fundamental scientific discoveries in environmental and ocean research.


著者 Ning Guo,Xudong Han,Xiaobo Liu,Shuqiao Zhong,Zhiyuan Zhou,Jian Lin,Jiansheng Dai,Fang Wan,Chaoyang Song
発行日 2023-08-16 17:07:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク