Box$^2$EL: Concept and Role Box Embeddings for the Description Logic EL++


記述ロジック (DL) オントロジーは、概念的な情報と論理的な背景知識を備えたナレッジ グラフ (KG) を拡張します。
KG 補完と同様に、いくつかの既存のアプローチは潜在空間内のオントロジー埋め込みを学習すると同時に、基礎となる DL の論理セマンティクスを忠実に捕捉することをさらに保証します。
我々は、概念と役割の両方をボックス (つまり、軸に沿った超長方形) として表現する Box$^2$EL を提案し、それがどのようにして以前の手法の限界を克服するかを実証します。


Description logic (DL) ontologies extend knowledge graphs (KGs) with conceptual information and logical background knowledge. In recent years, there has been growing interest in inductive reasoning techniques for such ontologies, which promise to complement classical deductive reasoning algorithms. Similar to KG completion, several existing approaches learn ontology embeddings in a latent space, while additionally ensuring that they faithfully capture the logical semantics of the underlying DL. However, they suffer from several shortcomings, mainly due to a limiting role representation. We propose Box$^2$EL, which represents both concepts and roles as boxes (i.e., axis-aligned hyperrectangles) and demonstrate how it overcomes the limitations of previous methods. We theoretically prove the soundness of our model and conduct an extensive experimental evaluation, achieving state-of-the-art results across a variety of datasets. As part of our evaluation, we introduce a novel benchmark for subsumption prediction involving both atomic and complex concepts.


著者 Mathias Jackermeier,Jiaoyan Chen,Ian Horrocks
発行日 2023-08-16 16:11:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.LO パーマリンク