Back to Basics: A Sanity Check on Modern Time Series Classification Algorithms


1NN-DTW アルゴリズムから ROCKET ファミリの分類器に至るまで、最先端の時系列分類は長い道のりを歩んできました。
ただし、現在のペースが速い新しい分類器の開発では、一歩下がって簡単なベースライン チェックを実行することが不可欠です。
この研究では、古典的な機械学習アプローチ (Ridge、LDA、RandomForest など) と分類器の ROCKET ファミリ (Rocket、MiniRocket、MultiRocket など) を使用した表形式モデルのパフォーマンスを比較します。
表形式モデルはシンプルで非常に効率的ですが、ROCKET ファミリの分類子はより複雑で、最近の時系列分類子の中で最先端の精度と効率を備えています。
UCR/UEA ベンチマークでは、表形式モデルが単変量データセットの約 19%、多変量データセットの約 28% で ROCKET ファミリの分類子よりも優れており、データセットの約 50% で 10 パーセント ポイント以内の精度を達成していることがわかりました。


The state-of-the-art in time series classification has come a long way, from the 1NN-DTW algorithm to the ROCKET family of classifiers. However, in the current fast-paced development of new classifiers, taking a step back and performing simple baseline checks is essential. These checks are often overlooked, as researchers are focused on establishing new state-of-the-art results, developing scalable algorithms, and making models explainable. Nevertheless, there are many datasets that look like time series at first glance, but classic algorithms such as tabular methods with no time ordering may perform better on such problems. For example, for spectroscopy datasets, tabular methods tend to significantly outperform recent time series methods. In this study, we compare the performance of tabular models using classic machine learning approaches (e.g., Ridge, LDA, RandomForest) with the ROCKET family of classifiers (e.g., Rocket, MiniRocket, MultiRocket). Tabular models are simple and very efficient, while the ROCKET family of classifiers are more complex and have state-of-the-art accuracy and efficiency among recent time series classifiers. We find that tabular models outperform the ROCKET family of classifiers on approximately 19% of univariate and 28% of multivariate datasets in the UCR/UEA benchmark and achieve accuracy within 10 percentage points on about 50% of datasets. Our results suggest that it is important to consider simple tabular models as baselines when developing time series classifiers. These models are very fast, can be as effective as more complex methods and may be easier to understand and deploy.


著者 Bhaskar Dhariyal,Thach Le Nguyen,Georgiana Ifrim
発行日 2023-08-15 17:23:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク