What can we Learn by Predicting Accuracy?


この論文は次の質問に答えようとしています: \textit{‘精度を予測することで何を学べますか?’}.
実際、分類は機械学習で最も人気のあるタスクの 1 つであり、この微分不可能な目的関数を最大化するために多くの損失関数が開発されています。
埋め込みの 260 以上のデータセットで発見された式のピアソン相関は 0.96 で、$r^2$ は 0.93 です。


This paper seeks to answer the following question: \textit{‘What can we learn by predicting accuracy?’}. Indeed, classification is one of the most popular tasks in machine learning, and many loss functions have been developed to maximize this non-differentiable objective function. Unlike past work on loss function design, which was guided mainly by intuition and theory before being validated by experimentation, here we propose to approach this problem in the opposite way: we seek to extract knowledge by experimentation. This data-driven approach is similar to that used in physics to discover general laws from data. We used a symbolic regression method to automatically find a mathematical expression highly correlated with a linear classifier’s accuracy. The formula discovered on more than 260 datasets of embeddings has a Pearson’s correlation of 0.96 and a $r^2$ of 0.93. More interestingly, this formula is highly explainable and confirms insights from various previous papers on loss design. We hope this work will open new perspectives in the search for new heuristics leading to a deeper understanding of machine learning theory.


著者 Olivier Risser-Maroix,Benjamin Chamand
発行日 2022-08-23 13:36:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク