Distance Matters For Improving Performance Estimation Under Covariate Shift


共変量シフトの下でのパフォーマンス推定は、特に機密性の高いユースケースの場合、安全な AI モデル展開の重要な要素です。
私たちは、広範囲の自然および合成分布シフトと数百のモデルにわたる 13 の画像分類タスクでこの方法の有効性を実証し、すべてのタスクにわたる最良のベースラインと比較して相対 MAE 中央値が 27% 向上し、SOTA パフォーマンスが向上したことを実証しました。
13 タスク中 10 タスク。
私たちのコードは https://github.com/melanibe/ distance_matters_performance_estimation で公開されています。


Performance estimation under covariate shift is a crucial component of safe AI model deployment, especially for sensitive use-cases. Recently, several solutions were proposed to tackle this problem, most leveraging model predictions or softmax confidence to derive accuracy estimates. However, under dataset shifts, confidence scores may become ill-calibrated if samples are too far from the training distribution. In this work, we show that taking into account distances of test samples to their expected training distribution can significantly improve performance estimation under covariate shift. Precisely, we introduce a ‘distance-check’ to flag samples that lie too far from the expected distribution, to avoid relying on their untrustworthy model outputs in the accuracy estimation step. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on 13 image classification tasks, across a wide-range of natural and synthetic distribution shifts and hundreds of models, with a median relative MAE improvement of 27% over the best baseline across all tasks, and SOTA performance on 10 out of 13 tasks. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/melanibe/distance_matters_performance_estimation.


著者 Mélanie Roschewitz,Ben Glocker
発行日 2023-08-14 15:49:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク