Autonomous sputter synthesis of thin film nitrides with composition controlled by Bayesian optimization of optical plasma emission


ここでは、Python、発光分光法 (OES)、およびベイジアン最適化アルゴリズムによってカスタム制御された高度に自動化されたスパッタリング リアクターを活用して、組成が制御された薄膜をスパッタ堆積するための自律的ワークフローの設計と実装について報告します。
OES によって提供されるベイジアン制御アルゴリズムは、所望の発光信号と測定された発光信号の間の絶対誤差を最小限に抑えることにより、スパッタリング電力の空間をナビゲートして、ユーザー定義の組成を持つ膜を製造します。
我々は、15 nm薄膜であっても、目標カチオン組成からの偏差が相対3.5%以内のZn$_x$Ti$_{1-x}$N$_y$膜を自律的に作製することでアプローチを検証し、提案されたアプローチが可能であることを実証しました。


Autonomous experimentation has emerged as an efficient approach to accelerate the pace of materials discovery. Although instruments for autonomous synthesis have become popular in molecular and polymer science, solution processing of hybrid materials and nanoparticles, examples of autonomous tools for physical vapor deposition are scarce yet important for the semiconductor industry. Here, we report the design and implementation of an autonomous workflow for sputter deposition of thin films with controlled composition, leveraging a highly automated sputtering reactor custom-controlled by Python, optical emission spectroscopy (OES), and a Bayesian optimization algorithm. We modeled film composition, measured by x-ray fluorescence, as a linear function of emission lines monitored during the co-sputtering from elemental Zn and Ti targets in N$_2$ atmosphere. A Bayesian control algorithm, informed by OES, navigates the space of sputtering power to fabricate films with user-defined composition, by minimizing the absolute error between desired and measured emission signals. We validated our approach by autonomously fabricating Zn$_x$Ti$_{1-x}$N$_y$ films with deviations from the targeted cation composition within relative 3.5 %, even for 15 nm thin films, demonstrating that the proposed approach can reliably synthesize thin films with specific composition and minimal human interference. Moreover, the proposed method can be extended to more difficult synthesis experiments where plasma intensity depends non-linearly on pressure, or the elemental sticking coefficients strongly depend on the substrate temperature.


著者 Davi M. Febba,Kevin R. Talley,Kendal Johnson,Stephen Schaefer,Sage R. Bauers,John S. Mangum,Rebecca W. Smaha,Andriy Zakutayev
発行日 2023-08-10 16:30:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, パーマリンク