Deep Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution for Low-Light Image Deblurring


ダイナミック レンジが限られているため、飽和ピクセルは通常、イメージング プロセスでクリップされるため、線形ブラー モデルでモデル化することはできません。
具体的には、潜在マップはマップ推定ネットワーク (MEN) から学習することによって計算され、潜在イメージ推定プロセスは Richardson-Lucy (RL) ベースの更新スキームによって実装されます。
増幅アーチファクトのない高品質のぼけ除去画像を推定するために、事前推定ネットワーク (PEN) を開発して事前情報を取得し、これを RL スキームにさらに統合します。


Images taken under the low-light condition often contain blur and saturated pixels at the same time. Deblurring images with saturated pixels is quite challenging. Because of the limited dynamic range, the saturated pixels are usually clipped in the imaging process and thus cannot be modeled by the linear blur model. Previous methods use manually designed smooth functions to approximate the clipping procedure. Their deblurring processes often require empirically defined parameters, which may not be the optimal choices for different images. In this paper, we develop a data-driven approach to model the saturated pixels by a learned latent map. Based on the new model, the non-blind deblurring task can be formulated into a maximum a posterior (MAP) problem, which can be effectively solved by iteratively computing the latent map and the latent image. Specifically, the latent map is computed by learning from a map estimation network (MEN), and the latent image estimation process is implemented by a Richardson-Lucy (RL)-based updating scheme. To estimate high-quality deblurred images without amplified artifacts, we develop a prior estimation network (PEN) to obtain prior information, which is further integrated into the RL scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms both quantitatively and qualitatively on synthetic and real-world images.


著者 Liang Chen,Jiawei Zhang,Zhenhua Li,Yunxuan Wei,Faming Fang,Jimmy Ren,Jinshan Pan
発行日 2023-08-10 12:53:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク