Integrated Design Fabrication and Control of a Bioinspired Multimaterial Soft Robotic Hand


アクチュエーターは成形を使用して製造され、外骨格は 1 つのステップで 3D プリントされます。
ON-OFF コントローラーは、漏れがある場合でも、特定の曲げ角度に関連する設定されたフィンガーの内圧を維持します。
FEA の数値結果は、さまざまな形状、重量、サイズの物体を掴む手の能力だけでなく、実験テストによって検証されました。
この統合ソリューションにより、ソフト ロボット ハンドをより低コストで人々が利用できるようになり、時間のかかる設計、製造の試行錯誤プロセスが回避されます。


Machines that mimic humans have inspired scientists for centuries. Bio-inspired soft robotic hands are a good example of such an endeavor, featuring intrinsic material compliance and continuous motion to deal with uncertainty and adapt to unstructured environments. Recent research led to impactful achievements in functional designs, modeling, fabrication, and control of soft robots. Nevertheless, the full realization of life-like movements is still challenging to achieve, often based on trial-and-error considerations from design to fabrication, consuming time and resources. In this study, a soft robotic hand is proposed, composed of soft actuator cores and an exoskeleton, featuring a multi-material design aided by finite element analysis (FEA) to define the hand geometry and promote finger’s bendability. The actuators are fabricated using molding and the exoskeleton is 3D-printed in a single step. An ON-OFF controller keeps the set fingers’ inner pressures related to specific bending angles, even in the presence of leaks. The FEA numerical results were validated by experimental tests, as well as the ability of the hand to grasp objects with different shapes, weights and sizes. This integrated solution will make soft robotic hands more available to people, at a reduced cost, avoiding the time-consuming design-fabrication trial-and-error processes.


著者 Samuel Alves,Mihail Babcinschi,Afonso Silva,Diogo Neto,Diogo Fonseca,Pedro Neto
発行日 2023-08-08 18:25:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク