Anytime Model Selection in Linear Bandits


自然なアプローチの 1 つは、さまざまなモデルを専門家として扱うオンライン学習アルゴリズムに依存することです。
しかし、既存の方法は、モデル $M$ の数に応じて拡張性が不十分 ($\text{poly}M$) という点で残念です。
これにより、残念ながら $M$ への依存性が飛躍的に改善された ($\log M$) ALEXP の開発が可能になります。
ALEXP はいつでもその後悔を保証しており、地平線 $n$ の知識を必要とせず、最初の純粋に探索的な段階に依存しません。


Model selection in the context of bandit optimization is a challenging problem, as it requires balancing exploration and exploitation not only for action selection, but also for model selection. One natural approach is to rely on online learning algorithms that treat different models as experts. Existing methods, however, scale poorly ($\text{poly}M$) with the number of models $M$ in terms of their regret. Our key insight is that, for model selection in linear bandits, we can emulate full-information feedback to the online learner with a favorable bias-variance trade-off. This allows us to develop ALEXP, which has an exponentially improved ($\log M$) dependence on $M$ for its regret. ALEXP has anytime guarantees on its regret, and neither requires knowledge of the horizon $n$, nor relies on an initial purely exploratory stage. Our approach utilizes a novel time-uniform analysis of the Lasso, establishing a new connection between online learning and high-dimensional statistics.


著者 Parnian Kassraie,Aldo Pacchiano,Nicolas Emmenegger,Andreas Krause
発行日 2023-07-24 15:44:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク