AV-Gaze: A Study on the Effectiveness of Audio Guided Visual Attention Estimation for Non-Profilic Faces


トレーニング フェーズ中に、フレームワークは、同期された視聴覚モダリティから補完的な情報を学習します。
AV-Gaze がこれらの特定のモダリティを使用してベンチマーク データセットでテストされると、複数のデータセットで競争力のある結果を達成しながら、困難なシナリオに対して高度に適応することに注目することは興味深いことです。


In challenging real-life conditions such as extreme head-pose, occlusions, and low-resolution images where the visual information fails to estimate visual attention/gaze direction, audio signals could provide important and complementary information. In this paper, we explore if audio-guided coarse head-pose can further enhance visual attention estimation performance for non-prolific faces. Since it is difficult to annotate audio signals for estimating the head-pose of the speaker, we use off-the-shelf state-of-the-art models to facilitate cross-modal weak-supervision. During the training phase, the framework learns complementary information from synchronized audio-visual modality. Our model can utilize any of the available modalities i.e. audio, visual or audio-visual for task-specific inference. It is interesting to note that, when AV-Gaze is tested on benchmark datasets with these specific modalities, it achieves competitive results on multiple datasets, while being highly adaptive toward challenging scenarios.


著者 Shreya Ghosh,Abhinav Dhall,Munawar Hayat,Jarrod Knibbe
発行日 2022-08-12 01:50:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク