Let’s ViCE! Mimicking Human Cognitive Behavior in Image Generation Evaluation


ViCE は、大規模言語モデル (LLM) とビジュアル質問応答 (VQA) の長所を統合パイプラインに統合し、品質評価における人間の認知プロセスを再現することを目的としています。
この方法では、視覚的な概念の概要を説明し、画像固有の検証質問を作成し、Q&A システムを利用して画像を調査し、組み合わせた結果をスコア付けします。


Research in Image Generation has recently made significant progress, particularly boosted by the introduction of Vision-Language models which are able to produce high-quality visual content based on textual inputs. Despite ongoing advancements in terms of generation quality and realism, no methodical frameworks have been defined yet to quantitatively measure the quality of the generated content and the adherence with the prompted requests: so far, only human-based evaluations have been adopted for quality satisfaction and for comparing different generative methods. We introduce a novel automated method for Visual Concept Evaluation (ViCE), i.e. to assess consistency between a generated/edited image and the corresponding prompt/instructions, with a process inspired by the human cognitive behaviour. ViCE combines the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Visual Question Answering (VQA) into a unified pipeline, aiming to replicate the human cognitive process in quality assessment. This method outlines visual concepts, formulates image-specific verification questions, utilizes the Q&A system to investigate the image, and scores the combined outcome. Although this brave new hypothesis of mimicking humans in the image evaluation process is in its preliminary assessment stage, results are promising and open the door to a new form of automatic evaluation which could have significant impact as the image generation or the image target editing tasks become more and more sophisticated.


著者 Federico Betti,Jacopo Staiano,Lorenzo Baraldi,Lorenzo Baraldi,Rita Cucchiara,Nicu Sebe
発行日 2023-07-18 16:33:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.CV パーマリンク