Deep Learning with Passive Optical Nonlinear Mapping


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Deep learning has fundamentally transformed artificial intelligence, but the ever-increasing complexity in deep learning models calls for specialized hardware accelerators. Optical accelerators can potentially offer enhanced performance, scalability, and energy efficiency. However, achieving nonlinear mapping, a critical component of neural networks, remains challenging optically. Here, we introduce a design that leverages multiple scattering in a reverberating cavity to passively induce optical nonlinear random mapping, without the need for additional laser power. A key advantage emerging from our work is that we show we can perform optical data compression, facilitated by multiple scattering in the cavity, to efficiently compress and retain vital information while also decreasing data dimensionality. This allows rapid optical information processing and generation of low dimensional mixtures of highly nonlinear features. These are particularly useful for applications demanding high-speed analysis and responses such as in edge computing devices. Utilizing rapid optical information processing capabilities, our optical platforms could potentially offer more efficient and real-time processing solutions for a broad range of applications. We demonstrate the efficacy of our design in improving computational performance across tasks, including classification, image reconstruction, key-point detection, and object detection, all achieved through optical data compression combined with a digital decoder. Notably, we observed high performance, at an extreme compression ratio, for real-time pedestrian detection. Our findings pave the way for novel algorithms and architectural designs for optical computing.


著者 Fei Xia,Kyungduk Kim,Yaniv Eliezer,Liam Shaughnessy,Sylvain Gigan,Hui Cao
発行日 2023-07-18 15:23:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.dis-nn, cs.ET, cs.LG,, physics.optics パーマリンク