Robot motor learning shows emergence of frequency-modulated, robust swimming with an invariant Strouhal-number


強化学習を使用して、水泳速度を最大化するための CPG パラメーターを学習しました。
ストローハル数はまた、生物魚とロボット魚の両方における波状遊泳の 2 つの基本的なクラスを明らかにしました。
これらの結果は、魚にインスピレーションを得た移動運動におけるモーター制御された FSI の具体化された特性についての新たな洞察を提供します。


Fish locomotion emerges from a diversity of interactions among deformable structures, surrounding fluids and neuromuscular activations, i.e., fluid-structure interactions (FSI) controlled by fish’s motor systems. Previous studies suggested that such motor-controlled FSI may possess embodied traits. However, their implications in motor learning, neuromuscular control, gait generation, and swimming performance remain to be uncovered. Using robot models, we studied how swimming behaviours emerged from the FSI and the embodied traits. We developed modular robots with various designs and used Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) to control the torque acting on robot body. We used reinforcement learning to learn CPG parameters to maximize the swimming speed. The results showed that motor frequency converged faster than other parameters, and the emergent swimming gaits were robust against disruptions applied to motor control. For all robots and frequencies tested, swimming speed was proportional to the mean undulation velocity of body and caudal-fin combined, yielding an invariant, undulation-based Strouhal number. The Strouhal number also revealed two fundamental classes of undulatory swimming in both biological and robotic fishes. The robot actuators also demonstrated diverse functions as motors, virtual springs, and virtual masses. These results provide novel insights into the embodied traits of motor-controlled FSI for fish-inspired locomotion.


著者 Hankun Deng,Donghao Li,Colin Nitroy,Andrew Wertz,Shashank Priya,Bo Cheng
発行日 2023-07-17 00:49:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク