Enhancing Supervised Learning with Contrastive Markings in Neural Machine Translation Training


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提案された新しいトレーニング手順では、エポックごとにトレーニング セットに対して 1 つの追加の変換パスが必要ですが、標準の推論セットアップは変更されません。


Supervised learning in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) typically follows a teacher forcing paradigm where reference tokens constitute the conditioning context in the model’s prediction, instead of its own previous predictions. In order to alleviate this lack of exploration in the space of translations, we present a simple extension of standard maximum likelihood estimation by a contrastive marking objective. The additional training signals are extracted automatically from reference translations by comparing the system hypothesis against the reference, and used for up/down-weighting correct/incorrect tokens. The proposed new training procedure requires one additional translation pass over the training set per epoch, and does not alter the standard inference setup. We show that training with contrastive markings yields improvements on top of supervised learning, and is especially useful when learning from postedits where contrastive markings indicate human error corrections to the original hypotheses. Code is publicly released.


著者 Nathaniel Berger,Miriam Exel,Matthias Huck,Stefan Riezler
発行日 2023-07-17 11:56:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク