The Resume Paradox: Greater Language Differences, Smaller Pay Gaps


過去 10 年間、男女間の賃金格差は変わらず、男性の平均収入 1 ドルに対して女性の収入は 84 セントです。
米国の職業全体で、男性と女性の履歴書の言語の違いは、男女間の賃金格差の 11% に相当します。
女性と男性の履歴書の言語の違いが 2 倍になると、平均的な女性労働者の年間賃金は 2,797 ドル増加します。


Over the past decade, the gender pay gap has remained steady with women earning 84 cents for every dollar earned by men on average. Many studies explain this gap through demand-side bias in the labor market represented through employers’ job postings. However, few studies analyze potential bias from the worker supply-side. Here, we analyze the language in millions of US workers’ resumes to investigate how differences in workers’ self-representation by gender compare to differences in earnings. Across US occupations, language differences between male and female resumes correspond to 11% of the variation in gender pay gap. This suggests that females’ resumes that are semantically similar to males’ resumes may have greater wage parity. However, surprisingly, occupations with greater language differences between male and female resumes have lower gender pay gaps. A doubling of the language difference between female and male resumes results in an annual wage increase of $2,797 for the average female worker. This result holds with controls for gender-biases of resume text and we find that per-word bias poorly describes the variance in wage gap. The results demonstrate that textual data and self-representation are valuable factors for improving worker representations and understanding employment inequities.


著者 Joshua R. Minot,Marc Maier,Bradford Demarest,Nicholas Cheney,Christopher M. Danforth,Peter Sheridan Dodds,Morgan R. Frank
発行日 2023-07-17 15:49:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, physics.soc-ph パーマリンク