Navigating Fairness Measures and Trade-Offs


AI システムのバイアスを監視して防止するために、幅広い (統計的) 公平性の尺度を使用できます。
さらに、公平性の尺度を最適化すると、システムの精度が大幅に低下することがよくあります (Kozodoi et al、2022)。
これはまた、分配的正義の哲学的説明とこれまで観察されてきた公平性に関する文献との間のギャップの一部を埋め(Kuppler et al, 2021)、公平性の価値を運用可能にするのにも役立ちます。


In order to monitor and prevent bias in AI systems we can use a wide range of (statistical) fairness measures. However, it is mathematically impossible to optimize for all of these measures at the same time. In addition, optimizing a fairness measure often greatly reduces the accuracy of the system (Kozodoi et al, 2022). As a result, we need a substantive theory that informs us how to make these decisions and for what reasons. I show that by using Rawls’ notion of justice as fairness, we can create a basis for navigating fairness measures and the accuracy trade-off. In particular, this leads to a principled choice focusing on both the most vulnerable groups and the type of fairness measure that has the biggest impact on that group. This also helps to close part of the gap between philosophical accounts of distributive justice and the fairness literature that has been observed (Kuppler et al, 2021) and to operationalise the value of fairness.


著者 Stefan Buijsman
発行日 2023-07-17 13:45:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク