Adaptive Linear Estimating Equations


たとえば、適応線形回帰モデルの通常最小二乗 (OLS) 推定器は非正規漸近動作を示す可能性があり、正確な推論と解釈に課題が生じます。
したがって、この研究は、適応推論の 2 つの有益なパラダイム、a) 濃度不等式を使用した非漸近推論、および b) 漸近正規性による漸近推論を結び付けるのに役立ちます。


Sequential data collection has emerged as a widely adopted technique for enhancing the efficiency of data gathering processes. Despite its advantages, such data collection mechanism often introduces complexities to the statistical inference procedure. For instance, the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator in an adaptive linear regression model can exhibit non-normal asymptotic behavior, posing challenges for accurate inference and interpretation. In this paper, we propose a general method for constructing debiased estimator which remedies this issue. It makes use of the idea of adaptive linear estimating equations, and we establish theoretical guarantees of asymptotic normality, supplemented by discussions on achieving near-optimal asymptotic variance. A salient feature of our estimator is that in the context of multi-armed bandits, our estimator retains the non-asymptotic performance of the least square estimator while obtaining asymptotic normality property. Consequently, this work helps connect two fruitful paradigms of adaptive inference: a) non-asymptotic inference using concentration inequalities and b) asymptotic inference via asymptotic normality.


著者 Mufang Ying,Koulik Khamaru,Cun-Hui Zhang
発行日 2023-07-14 12:55:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク