Reinforced Labels: Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Point-Feature Label Placement


このペーパーでは、ラベルの配置に強化学習 (RL) を導入します。ラベルの配置は、重複を避けて読みやすさを確保するためにラベルの最適な配置を求めるデータ視覚化の複雑なタスクです。
当社の新しい点特徴ラベル配置方法は、マルチエージェント深層強化学習 (MADRL) を利用してラベル配置戦略を学習します。これは、人間の専門家によって設計された既存の手作りアルゴリズムとは対照的に、初の機械学習主導のラベリング方法です。
RL 学習を促進するために、エージェントがラベル (視覚化を強化する短いテキストの注釈) のプロキシとして機能する環境を開発しました。


Over recent years, Reinforcement Learning combined with Deep Learning techniques has successfully proven to solve complex problems in various domains, including robotics, self-driving cars, and finance. In this paper, we are introducing Reinforcement Learning (RL) to label placement, a complex task in data visualization that seeks optimal positioning for labels to avoid overlap and ensure legibility. Our novel point-feature label placement method utilizes Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (MADRL) to learn the label placement strategy, which is the first machine-learning-driven labeling method in contrast to existing hand-crafted algorithms designed by human experts. To facilitate RL learning, we developed an environment where an agent acts as a proxy for a label, a short textual annotation that augments visualization. Our results show that the strategy trained by our method significantly outperforms the random strategy of an untrained agent and compared methods designed by human experts in terms of completeness (i.e., the number of placed labels). The trade-off is increased computation time, making the proposed method slower than compared methods. Nevertheless, our method is ideal for scenarios where the labeling can be computed in advance, and completeness is essential, such as cartographic maps, technical drawings, and medical atlases. Additionally, we conducted a user study to assess the perceived performance. The outcomes revealed that the participants considered the proposed method to be significantly better than the other examined methods. This indicates that the improved completeness is not just reflected in the quantitative metrics but also in the subjective evaluation of the participants.


著者 Petr Bobák,Ladislav Čmolík,Martin Čadík
発行日 2023-07-12 13:31:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク