Predicting small molecules solubilities on endpoint devices using deep ensemble neural networks


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Aqueous solubility is a valuable yet challenging property to predict. Computing solubility using first-principles methods requires accounting for the competing effects of entropy and enthalpy, resulting in long computations for relatively poor accuracy. Data-driven approaches, such as deep learning, offer improved accuracy and computational efficiency but typically lack uncertainty quantification. Additionally, ease of use remains a concern for any computational technique, resulting in the sustained popularity of group-based contribution methods. In this work, we addressed these problems with a deep learning model with predictive uncertainty that runs on a static website (without a server). This approach moves computing needs onto the website visitor without requiring installation, removing the need to pay for and maintain servers. Our model achieves satisfactory results in solubility prediction. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to create molecular property prediction models that balance uncertainty and ease of use. The code is available at \url{}, and the model is usable at \url{}.


著者 Mayk Caldas Ramos,Andrew D. White
発行日 2023-07-11 15:01:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, physics.chem-ph パーマリンク