SDC-HSDD-NDSA: Structure Detecting Cluster by Hierarchical Secondary Directed Differential with Normalized Density and Self-Adaption


密度ベースのクラスタリングは、異なる (高密度) クラスタが低密度領域で分離されている限り、任意の形状のクラスタを識別できるため、最も一般的なクラスタリング アルゴリズムと言えます。
このような状況は、これまでに知られているすべての密度ベースのクラスタリング アルゴリズムの主な欠陥、つまり高密度クラスタ内の構造を検出できないことを示しています。
このアルゴリズムは、二次有向微分、階層、正規化密度、および自己適応係数を使用するため、正規化密度と自己適応を備えた階層二次有向微分による構造検出クラスターと呼ばれ、略して SDC-HSDD-NDSA と呼ばれます。

この論文の Python コードは、 で見つけることができます。


Density-based clustering could be the most popular clustering algorithm since it can identify clusters of arbitrary shape as long as different (high-density) clusters are separated by low-density regions. However, the requirement of the separateness of clusters by low-density regions is not trivial since a high-density region might have different structures which should be clustered into different groups. Such a situation demonstrates the main flaw of all previous density-based clustering algorithms we have known–structures in a high-density cluster could not be detected. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a density-based clustering scheme that not only has the ability previous ones have but could also detect structures in a high-density region not separated by low-density ones. The algorithm employs secondary directed differential, hierarchy, normalized density, as well as the self-adaption coefficient, and thus is called Structure Detecting Cluster by Hierarchical Secondary Directed Differential with Normalized Density and Self-Adaption, dubbed by SDC-HSDD-NDSA for short. To illustrate its effectiveness, we run the algorithm in several data sets. The results verify its validity in structure detection, robustness over noises, as well as independence of granularities, and demonstrate that it could outperform previous ones. The Python code of the paper could be found on


著者 Hao Shu
発行日 2023-07-05 12:42:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク