Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm with Truly-satisfied Inequality Constraint




Soft actor-critic (SAC) in reinforcement learning is expected to be one of the next-generation robot control schemes. Its ability to maximize policy entropy would make a robotic controller robust to noise and perturbation, which is useful for real-world robot applications. However, the priority of maximizing the policy entropy is automatically tuned in the current implementation, the rule of which can be interpreted as one for equality constraint, binding the policy entropy into its specified lower bound. The current SAC is therefore no longer maximize the policy entropy, contrary to our expectation. To resolve this issue in SAC, this paper improves its implementation with a learnable state-dependent slack variable for appropriately handling the inequality constraint to maximize the policy entropy by reformulating it as the corresponding equality constraint. The introduced slack variable is optimized by a switching-type loss function that takes into account the dual objectives of satisfying the equality constraint and checking the lower bound. In Mujoco and Pybullet simulators, the modified SAC statistically achieved the higher robustness for adversarial attacks than before while regularizing the norm of action. A real-robot variable impedance task was demonstrated for showing the applicability of the modified SAC to real-world robot control. In particular, the modified SAC maintained adaptive behaviors for physical human-robot interaction, which had no experience at all during training.


著者 Taisuke Kobayashi
発行日 2023-07-02 08:48:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク