What Truly Matters in Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving?


この不一致は、軌道予測の現在の評価プロトコルで見落とされている 2 つの要因から生じます。1) データセットと実際の運転シナリオの間のダイナミクス ギャップ。
2) 予測子の計算効率。
他のエージェントの応答はデータセットに基づいて事前に決定されているため、固定データセットに基づいて実行された評価と実際の運転シナリオの間には大きなダイナミクス ギャップが生じます。


In the autonomous driving system, trajectory prediction plays a vital role in ensuring safety and facilitating smooth navigation. However, we observe a substantial discrepancy between the accuracy of predictors on fixed datasets and their driving performance when used in downstream tasks. This discrepancy arises from two overlooked factors in the current evaluation protocols of trajectory prediction: 1) the dynamics gap between the dataset and real driving scenario; and 2) the computational efficiency of predictors. In real-world scenarios, prediction algorithms influence the behavior of autonomous vehicles, which, in turn, alter the behaviors of other agents on the road. This interaction results in predictor-specific dynamics that directly impact prediction results. As other agents’ responses are predetermined on datasets, a significant dynamics gap arises between evaluations conducted on fixed datasets and actual driving scenarios. Furthermore, focusing solely on accuracy fails to address the demand for computational efficiency, which is critical for the real-time response required by the autonomous driving system. Therefore, in this paper, we demonstrate that an interactive, task-driven evaluation approach for trajectory prediction is crucial to reflect its efficacy for autonomous driving.


著者 Haoran Wu,Tran Phong,Cunjun Yu,Panpan Cai,Sifa Zheng,David Hsu
発行日 2023-06-27 01:29:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク