Learning swimming via deep reinforcement learning


この研究では、この動きの制約を回避するために、変分オートエンコーダ (VAE) がさまざまな羽ばたきの動きを単純なアクション ベクトルに圧縮するように設計されています。
次に、翼の羽ばたきを水トンネル環境と継続的に相互作用させ、強化学習 (RL) フレームワークを通じてそれに応じてその動作を調整します。
そして、数多くの試行錯誤の後、現在の実験における RL トレーニングは常に調和運動に近い運動パターンに収束することがわかりました。
さらに、ここで提案されている RL フレームワークは、他の複雑な水泳問題の研究にも拡張でき、本物の魚のように泳ぐロボット魚の作成への道が開かれる可能性があります。


For decades, people have been seeking for fishlike flapping motions that can realize underwater propulsion with low energy cost. Complexity of the nonstationary flow field around the flapping body makes this problem very difficult. In earlier studies, motion patterns are usually prescribed as certain periodic functions which constrains the following optimization process in a small subdomain of the whole motion space. In this work, to avoid this motion constraint, a variational autoencoder (VAE) is designed to compress various flapping motions into a simple action vector. Then we let a flapping airfoil continuously interact with water tunnel environment and adjust its action accordingly through a reinforcement learning (RL) framework. By this automatic close-looped experiment, we obtain several motion patterns that can result in high hydrodynamic efficiency comparing to pure harmonic motions with the same thrust level. And we find that, after numerous trials and errors, RL trainings in current experiment always converge to motion patterns that are close to harmonic motions. In other words, current work proves that harmonic motion with appropriate amplitude and frequency is always an optimal choice for efficient underwater propulsion. Furthermore, the RL framework proposed here can be also extended to the study of other complex swimming problems, which might pave the way for the creation of a robotic fish that can swim like a real fish.


著者 Jin Zhang,Lei Zhou,Bochao Cao
発行日 2023-06-27 08:59:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, physics.flu-dyn パーマリンク