Addressing Discontinuous Root-Finding for Subsequent Differentiability in Machine Learning, Inverse Problems, and Control


この論文は、2 つの剛体または変形可能な物体間の衝突という特定のケースと、その不連続性の本質的な性質によって動機づけられています。


There are many physical processes that have inherent discontinuities in their mathematical formulations. This paper is motivated by the specific case of collisions between two rigid or deformable bodies and the intrinsic nature of that discontinuity. The impulse response to a collision is discontinuous with the lack of any response when no collision occurs, which causes difficulties for numerical approaches that require differentiability which are typical in machine learning, inverse problems, and control. We theoretically and numerically demonstrate that the derivative of the collision time with respect to the parameters becomes infinite as one approaches the barrier separating colliding from not colliding, and use lifting to complexify the solution space so that solutions on the other side of the barrier are directly attainable as precise values. Subsequently, we mollify the barrier posed by the unbounded derivatives, so that one can tunnel back and forth in a smooth and reliable fashion facilitating the use of standard numerical approaches. Moreover, we illustrate that standard approaches fail in numerous ways mostly due to a lack of understanding of the mathematical nature of the problem (e.g. typical backpropagation utilizes many rules of differentiation, but ignores L’Hopital’s rule).


著者 Daniel Johnson,Ronald Fedkiw
発行日 2023-06-21 17:51:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク