Accelerating Multiframe Blind Deconvolution via Deep Learning


大気の乱流の存在により、個々の画像に摂動が生じ、ブラインド デコンボリューション手法を適用する必要が生じます。
この方法では、画像復元問題は、いくつかの小さなニューラル ネットワークによって展開および加速される勾配降下法によって解決されます。
ニューラル ネットワークの役割は、各反復ステップで解の推定を修正することです。
さらに、3 つの異なる機器からの観察画像を使用して、これらのモデルを教師なしの方法でトレーニングできることを示します。
さらなる研究とコラボレーションを促進するために、私たちはトレーニング済みのモデルを、対応するトレーニングおよび評価コード、トレーニング データセットとともに科学コミュニティにオープンに提供します。


Ground-based solar image restoration is a computationally expensive procedure that involves nonlinear optimization techniques. The presence of atmospheric turbulence produces perturbations in individual images that make it necessary to apply blind deconvolution techniques. These techniques rely on the observation of many short exposure frames that are used to simultaneously infer the instantaneous state of the atmosphere and the unperturbed object. We have recently explored the use of machine learning to accelerate this process, with promising results. We build upon this previous work to propose several interesting improvements that lead to better models. As well, we propose a new method to accelerate the restoration based on algorithm unrolling. In this method, the image restoration problem is solved with a gradient descent method that is unrolled and accelerated aided by a few small neural networks. The role of the neural networks is to correct the estimation of the solution at each iterative step. The model is trained to perform the optimization in a small fixed number of steps with a curated dataset. Our findings demonstrate that both methods significantly reduce the restoration time compared to the standard optimization procedure. Furthermore, we showcase that these models can be trained in an unsupervised manner using observed images from three different instruments. Remarkably, they also exhibit robust generalization capabilities when applied to new datasets. To foster further research and collaboration, we openly provide the trained models, along with the corresponding training and evaluation code, as well as the training dataset, to the scientific community.


著者 A. Asensio Ramos,S. Esteban Pozuelo,C. Kuckein
発行日 2023-06-21 07:53:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: astro-ph.IM, cs.CV パーマリンク