Human or Machine: Reflections on Turing-Inspired Testing for the Everyday


アラン・チューリングは、独創的な論文「コンピューティング機械と知能」の中で、機械知能の概念を探求する一環として「イミテーション ゲーム」を紹介しました。
それ以来、チューリング テストは多くの分析、議論、改良、拡張の対象となってきました。


In his seminal paper ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’, Alan Turing introduced the ‘imitation game’ as part of exploring the concept of machine intelligence. The Turing Test has since been the subject of much analysis, debate, refinement and extension. Here we sidestep the question of whether a particular machine can be labeled intelligent, or can be said to match human capabilities in a given context. Instead, but inspired by Turing, we draw attention to the seemingly simpler challenge of determining whether one is interacting with a human or with a machine, in the context of everyday life. We are interested in reflecting upon the importance of this Human-or-Machine question and the use one may make of a reliable answer thereto. Whereas Turing’s original test is widely considered to be more of a thought experiment, the Human-or-Machine question as discussed here has obvious practical significance. And while the jury is still not in regarding the possibility of machines that can mimic human behavior with high fidelity in everyday contexts, we argue that near-term exploration of the issues raised here can contribute to development methods for computerized systems, and may also improve our understanding of human behavior in general.


著者 David Harel,Assaf Marron
発行日 2023-06-20 13:49:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク