Tactile-Reactive Roller Grasper


ロボットの手の中で物体を操作することは、ロボットの器用さを実現する上で最も重要な課題の 1 つです。
これは、準拠した操縦可能な円筒形の指先を備えたカメラベースの触覚センシングと、付随するセンサー情報処理および制御戦略を組み込んだ触覚反応性ローラーグラスパー (TRRG) を開発することによって実現されています。
我々は 2 つの操作ケースを検討しました。指が純粋にローリングによって操作している場合と、指が定期的に接触を解除し、再把握する場合のように再確立している場合です。


Manipulation of objects within a robot’s hand is one of the most important challenges in achieving robot dexterity. The ‘Roller Graspers’ refers to a family of non-anthropomorphic hands utilizing motorized, rolling fingertips to achieve in-hand manipulation. These graspers manipulate grasped objects by commanding the rollers to exert forces that propel the object in the desired motion directions. In this paper, we explore the possibility of robot in-hand manipulation through tactile-guided rolling. We do so by developing the Tactile-Reactive Roller Grasper (TRRG), which incorporates camera-based tactile sensing with compliant, steerable cylindrical fingertips, with accompanying sensor information processing and control strategies. We demonstrated that the combination of tactile feedback and the actively rolling surfaces enables a variety of robust in-hand manipulation applications. In addition, we also demonstrated object reconstruction techniques using tactile-guided rolling. A controlled experiment was conducted to provide insights on the benefits of tactile-reactive rollers for manipulation. We considered two manipulation cases: when the fingers are manipulating purely through rolling and when they are periodically breaking and reestablishing contact as in regrasping. We found that tactile-guided rolling can improve the manipulation robustness by allowing the grasper to perform necessary fine grip adjustments in both manipulation cases, indicating that hybrid rolling fingertip and finger-gaiting designs may be a promising research direction.


著者 Shenli Yuan,Shaoxiong Wang,Radhen Patel,Megha Tippur,Connor Yako,Edward Adelson,Kenneth Salisbury
発行日 2023-06-16 16:26:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク