Arbitrary Shape Text Detection via Boundary Transformer


多層の拡張畳み込みで構成される境界提案モジュールは、境界変換器の最適化をガイドしながら、粗い境界提案を生成するための重要な事前情報 (分類マップ、距離フィールド、および方向フィールドを含む) を計算します。
境界変換モジュールはエンコーダ – デコーダ構造を採用しており、エンコーダは残留接続を備えた多層トランスフォーマ ブロックで構成され、デコーダは単純な多層パーセプトロン ネットワーク (MLP) です。


In arbitrary shape text detection, locating accurate text boundaries is challenging and non-trivial. Existing methods often suffer from indirect text boundary modeling or complex post-processing. In this paper, we systematically present a unified coarse-to-fine framework via boundary learning for arbitrary shape text detection, which can accurately and efficiently locate text boundaries without post-processing.In our method, we explicitly model the text boundary via an innovative iterative boundary transformer in a coarse-to-fine manner. In this way, our method can directly gain accurate text boundaries and abandon complex post-processing to improve efficiency. Specifically, our method mainly consists of a feature extraction backbone, a boundary proposal module, and an iteratively optimized boundary transformer module. The boundary proposal module consisting of multi-layer dilated convolutions will compute important prior information (including classification map, distance field, and direction field) for generating coarse boundary proposals while guiding the boundary transformer’s optimization. The boundary transformer module adopts an encoder-decoder structure, in which the encoder is constructed by multi-layer transformer blocks with residual connection while the decoder is a simple multi-layer perceptron network (MLP). Under the guidance of prior information, the boundary transformer module will gradually refine the coarse boundary proposals via iterative boundary deformation. Furthermore, we propose a novel boundary energy loss (BEL) which introduces an energy minimization constraint and an energy monotonically decreasing constraint to further optimize and stabilize the learning of boundary refinement. Extensive experiments on publicly available and challenging datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance and promising efficiency of our method.


著者 Shi-Xue Zhang,Chun Yang,Xiaobin Zhu,Xu-Cheng Yin
発行日 2023-06-13 15:17:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク