An Energy-aware and Fault-tolerant Deep Reinforcement Learning based approach for Multi-agent Patrolling Problems


第 2 に、自動運転車には障害が発生したり、バッテリー寿命の制限などのハードウェアの制約が発生したりする可能性があります。
分散型の同種マルチエージェント アーキテクチャが提案されており、すべてのパトロール エージェントがローカルでの観察と共有された位置情報に基づいて同一のポリシーをローカルで実行します。
このアーキテクチャは、エージェントの障害を許容し、補助エージェントを追加して障害のあるエージェントを置き換えたり、全体的なパトロール パフォーマンスを向上させたりできるパトロール システムを提供します。


Autonomous vehicles are suited for continuous area patrolling problems. However, finding an optimal patrolling strategy can be challenging for many reasons. Firstly, patrolling environments are often complex and can include unknown environmental factors, such as wind or landscape. Secondly, autonomous vehicles can have failures or hardware constraints, such as limited battery life. Importantly, patrolling large areas often requires multiple agents that need to collectively coordinate their actions. In this work, we consider these limitations and propose an approach based on model-free, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning. In this approach, the agents are trained to patrol an environment with various unknown dynamics and factors. They can automatically recharge themselves to support continuous collective patrolling. A distributed homogeneous multi-agent architecture is proposed, where all patrolling agents execute identical policies locally based on their local observations and shared location information. This architecture provides a patrolling system that can tolerate agent failures and allow supplementary agents to be added to replace failed agents or to increase the overall patrol performance. The solution is validated through simulation experiments from multiple perspectives, including the overall patrol performance, the efficiency of battery recharging strategies, the overall fault tolerance, and the ability to cooperate with supplementary agents.


著者 Chenhao Tong,Aaron Harwood,Maria A. Rodriguez,Richard O. Sinnott
発行日 2023-06-09 03:22:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.MA, cs.RO パーマリンク