From psychological traits to safety warnings: three studies on recommendations in a smart home environment


このペーパーでは、ユーザーがスマート ホーム環境でより適切な構成を選択できるようにすることを目的として、EMPATHY プロジェクトのコンテキストで実施した 3 つの実験について報告し、その結果について説明します。


In this paper, we report on three experiments we have carried out in the context of the EMPATHY project, with the aim of helping users make better configuration choices in a smart home environment, and discuss our results. We found that there are psychological traits, such as Need for Cognition, which influence the way individuals tend to use recommendations, that there are non obvious relationships between the perceived usefulness of recommendations in different domains and individuals’ ability to exploit suggestions on configuration choices, and that detailed, easy-to-understand security explanations are more persuasive than simple security warnings, when it comes to make decisions on the applicability of rules which might cause privacy and security risks.


著者 Federica Cena,Cristina Gena,Claudio Mattutino,Michele Mioli,Fabiana Vernero
発行日 2023-06-09 08:31:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク