A Filtering-based General Approach to Learning Rational Constraints of Epistemic Graphs


Hunter は、クラウドソーシング データから認識論的制約を学習するための 2 方向一般化フレームワークを提案しました。
これらの問題に対処するために、多方向一般化ステップを使用して、データセットから認識グラフと一致する一連の合理的なルールを生成するフィルタリング ベースのアプローチを提案します。
このアプローチでは、ドメイン モデルとユーザー モデルの両方の情報を反映する、より多様な合理的なルールを学習できます。


Epistemic graphs are a generalization of the epistemic approach to probabilistic argumentation. Hunter proposed a 2-way generalization framework to learn epistemic constraints from crowd-sourcing data. However, the learnt epistemic constraints only reflect users’ beliefs from data, without considering the rationality encoded in epistemic graphs. Meanwhile, the current framework can only generate epistemic constraints that reflect whether an agent believes an argument, but not the degree to which it believes in it. The major challenge to achieving this effect is that the computational complexity will increase sharply when expanding the variety of constraints, which may lead to unacceptable time performance. To address these problems, we propose a filtering-based approach using a multiple-way generalization step to generate a set of rational rules which are consistent with their epistemic graphs from a dataset. This approach is able to learn a wider variety of rational rules that reflect information in both the domain model and the user model. Moreover, to improve computational efficiency, we introduce a new function to exclude meaningless rules. The empirical results show that our approach significantly outperforms the existing framework when expanding the variety of rules.


著者 Xiao Chi
発行日 2023-06-07 15:13:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク