T2IAT: Measuring Valence and Stereotypical Biases in Text-to-Image Generation


警告: この文書には、有毒、有害、または不快感を与える可能性のある内容がいくつか含まれています。
社会心理学の有名な暗黙的連想テスト (IAT) に触発され、概念と価数、および画像内の暗黙のステレオタイプを定量化する新しいテキストと画像の関連付けテスト (T2IAT) フレームワークを提案します。
私たちは、花や昆虫に関する道徳的に中立なテストや、多様な社会的属性に関する人口統計上の定型テストなど、以前に文書化された生成モデルに関するバイアス テストを再現します。


Warning: This paper contains several contents that may be toxic, harmful, or offensive. In the last few years, text-to-image generative models have gained remarkable success in generating images with unprecedented quality accompanied by a breakthrough of inference speed. Despite their rapid progress, human biases that manifest in the training examples, particularly with regard to common stereotypical biases, like gender and skin tone, still have been found in these generative models. In this work, we seek to measure more complex human biases exist in the task of text-to-image generations. Inspired by the well-known Implicit Association Test (IAT) from social psychology, we propose a novel Text-to-Image Association Test (T2IAT) framework that quantifies the implicit stereotypes between concepts and valence, and those in the images. We replicate the previously documented bias tests on generative models, including morally neutral tests on flowers and insects as well as demographic stereotypical tests on diverse social attributes. The results of these experiments demonstrate the presence of complex stereotypical behaviors in image generations.


著者 Jialu Wang,Xinyue Gabby Liu,Zonglin Di,Yang Liu,Xin Eric Wang
発行日 2023-06-01 17:02:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.CV, I.2.6 パーマリンク