Backtracking Counterfactuals


Pearl の構造因果モデル (SCM) フレームワークでは、外生変数の値を共有しながら因果律を変更する介入を通じて、これが数学的に厳密になります。
事実の世界との違いは、代わりに、変更された初期条件 (外生変数) に「遡行」されます。
現在の研究では、SCM フレームワーク内で反事実推論のこの代替モードを探索し、形式化します。
関連文献のコンテキストでバックトラッキング セマンティクスについて説明し、説明可能な人工知能 (XAI) の最近の開発との関連性を引き出します。


Counterfactual reasoning — envisioning hypothetical scenarios, or possible worlds, where some circumstances are different from what (f)actually occurred (counter-to-fact) — is ubiquitous in human cognition. Conventionally, counterfactually-altered circumstances have been treated as ‘small miracles’ that locally violate the laws of nature while sharing the same initial conditions. In Pearl’s structural causal model (SCM) framework this is made mathematically rigorous via interventions that modify the causal laws while the values of exogenous variables are shared. In recent years, however, this purely interventionist account of counterfactuals has increasingly come under scrutiny from both philosophers and psychologists. Instead, they suggest a backtracking account of counterfactuals, according to which the causal laws remain unchanged in the counterfactual world; differences to the factual world are instead ‘backtracked’ to altered initial conditions (exogenous variables). In the present work, we explore and formalise this alternative mode of counterfactual reasoning within the SCM framework. Despite ample evidence that humans backtrack, the present work constitutes, to the best of our knowledge, the first general account and algorithmisation of backtracking counterfactuals. We discuss our backtracking semantics in the context of related literature and draw connections to recent developments in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).


著者 Julius von Kügelgen,Abdirisak Mohamed,Sander Beckers
発行日 2023-05-30 13:58:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク