STL: Surprisingly Tricky Logic (for System Validation)


私たちは、事前に形式的手法に精通している人々とそうでない人々を混合して人体実験 (N = 62) を実施し、一連の信号時相論理 (STL) 制約がエージェントを危害から守り、攻撃を許可するかどうかを検証してもらいました。
グリッドワールドのキャプチャ ザ フラグ設定でタスクを完了するために使用します。
検証精度は $45\% \pm 20\%$ (平均 $\pm$ 標準偏差) でした。


Much of the recent work developing formal methods techniques to specify or learn the behavior of autonomous systems is predicated on a belief that formal specifications are interpretable and useful for humans when checking systems. Though frequently asserted, this assumption is rarely tested. We performed a human experiment (N = 62) with a mix of people who were and were not familiar with formal methods beforehand, asking them to validate whether a set of signal temporal logic (STL) constraints would keep an agent out of harm and allow it to complete a task in a gridworld capture-the-flag setting. Validation accuracy was $45\% \pm 20\%$ (mean $\pm$ standard deviation). The ground-truth validity of a specification, subjects’ familiarity with formal methods, and subjects’ level of education were found to be significant factors in determining validation correctness. Participants exhibited an affirmation bias, causing significantly increased accuracy on valid specifications, but significantly decreased accuracy on invalid specifications. Additionally, participants, particularly those familiar with formal methods, tended to be overconfident in their answers, and be similarly confident regardless of actual correctness. Our data do not support the belief that formal specifications are inherently human-interpretable to a meaningful degree for system validation. We recommend ergonomic improvements to data presentation and validation training, which should be tested before claims of interpretability make their way back into the formal methods literature.


著者 Ho Chit Siu,Kevin Leahy,Makai Mann
発行日 2023-05-26 21:01:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク