I2D2: Inductive Knowledge Distillation with NeuroLogic and Self-Imitation


ここでは、アプリオリに不可能と思われる代替案を調査します。新しい常識的な蒸留アルゴリズムを搭載した場合、より小さな言語モデル (例: GPT-2) が、桁違いに大きく優れたモデル (例: GPT-3) に勝つことができるでしょうか?
West らの Symbolic Knowledge Distillation に大まかに従った新しい常識蒸留フレームワークである I2D2 を紹介します。
しかし、2 つの革新により、極端なスケールの教師モデルへの依存を打破します。(1) 弱い既製言語モデルの生成品質を向上させるニューロロジック デコーディングの新たな適応、および (2) 自己模倣学習
さらに、私たちの研究は、これまでに入手可能な中で最大かつ最高品質のジェネリック医薬品の新しいコーパス、Gen-A-tomic につながりました。


Commonsense capabilities of pre-trained language models dramatically improve with scale, leading many to believe that scale is the only winning recipe. But is it? Here, we investigate an alternative that a priori seems impossible: can smaller language models (e.g., GPT-2) win over models that are orders of magnitude larger and better (e.g., GPT-3), if powered with novel commonsense distillation algorithms? The key intellectual challenge is to design a learning algorithm that achieve a competitive level of commonsense acquisition, without relying on the benefits of scale. In particular, we study generative models of commonsense knowledge, focusing on the task of generating generics, statements of commonsense facts about everyday concepts, e.g., birds can fly. We introduce I2D2, a novel commonsense distillation framework that loosely follows the Symbolic Knowledge Distillation of West et al. but breaks the dependence on the extreme-scale teacher model with two innovations: (1) the novel adaptation of NeuroLogic Decoding to enhance the generation quality of the weak, off-the-shelf language models, and (2) self-imitation learning to iteratively learn from the model’s own enhanced commonsense acquisition capabilities. Empirical results suggest that scale is not the only way, as novel algorithms can be a promising alternative. Moreover, our study leads to a new corpus of generics, Gen-A-tomic, that is the largest and highest quality available to date.


著者 Chandra Bhagavatula,Jena D. Hwang,Doug Downey,Ronan Le Bras,Ximing Lu,Lianhui Qin,Keisuke Sakaguchi,Swabha Swayamdipta,Peter West,Yejin Choi
発行日 2023-05-26 17:14:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク