Eclipse: Disambiguating Illumination and Materials using Unintended Shadows


オブジェクトの 3D 形状が事前にわかっている場合でも、オブジェクトの外観をそのマテリアルと周囲の照明の表現に分解することは困難です。
これらのシャドウは、これまでのほとんどの逆レンダリング パイプラインでは厄介なものでしたが、ここではコンディショニングを改善し、マテリアルとライティングのあいまいさを解決するのに役立つ信号として利用します。


Decomposing an object’s appearance into representations of its materials and the surrounding illumination is difficult, even when the object’s 3D shape is known beforehand. This problem is ill-conditioned because diffuse materials severely blur incoming light, and is ill-posed because diffuse materials under high-frequency lighting can be indistinguishable from shiny materials under low-frequency lighting. We show that it is possible to recover precise materials and illumination — even from diffuse objects — by exploiting unintended shadows, like the ones cast onto an object by the photographer who moves around it. These shadows are a nuisance in most previous inverse rendering pipelines, but here we exploit them as signals that improve conditioning and help resolve material-lighting ambiguities. We present a method based on differentiable Monte Carlo ray tracing that uses images of an object to jointly recover its spatially-varying materials, the surrounding illumination environment, and the shapes of the unseen light occluders who inadvertently cast shadows upon it.


著者 Dor Verbin,Ben Mildenhall,Peter Hedman,Jonathan T. Barron,Todd Zickler,Pratul P. Srinivasan
発行日 2023-05-25 17:59:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク