Towards Adaptive Prefix Tuning for Parameter-Efficient Language Model Fine-tuning


この作業では、Transformer レイヤーに挿入された連続プレフィックス ベクトル (つまり、擬似トークン) のみを最適化するプレフィックス チューニングに焦点を当てます。
SuperGLUE および NER データセットの実験では、APT の有効性が示されています。


Fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on various downstream tasks with whole parameters is prohibitively expensive. Hence, Parameter-efficient fine-tuning has attracted attention that only optimizes a few task-specific parameters with the frozen pre-trained model. In this work, we focus on prefix tuning, which only optimizes continuous prefix vectors (i.e. pseudo tokens) inserted into Transformer layers. Based on the observation that the learned syntax and semantics representation varies a lot at different layers, we argue that the adaptive prefix will be further tailored to each layer than the fixed one, enabling the fine-tuning more effective and efficient. Thus, we propose Adaptive Prefix Tuning (APT) to adjust the prefix in terms of both fine-grained token level and coarse-grained layer level with a gate mechanism. Experiments on the SuperGLUE and NER datasets show the effectiveness of APT. In addition, taking the gate as a probing, we validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the variable prefix.


著者 Zhen-Ru Zhang,Chuanqi Tan,Haiyang Xu,Chengyu Wang,Jun Huang,Songfang Huang
発行日 2023-05-24 14:51:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク