Enhancing Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models with Iterative Retrieval-Generation Synergy


大規模な言語モデルは強力なテキスト プロセッサおよび推論機能を備えていますが、依然として古い知識や幻覚などの制限があり、言語モデルを世界と接続する必要があります。
この論文では、反復的な方法で取得と生成を相乗させる Iter-RetGen と呼ばれるメソッドによって強力なパフォーマンスが達成できることを示します。
出力を生成するときに検索と生成をインターリーブする最近の研究と比較して、Iter-RetGen は取得されたすべての知識を全体として処理し、構造上の制約なしに生成の柔軟性を大幅に維持します。
我々は、マルチホップ質問応答、事実検証、常識的推論に関して Iter-RetGen を評価し、パラメトリック知識とノンパラメトリック知識を柔軟に活用でき、最先端の検索よりも優れているか、競合できることを示します。


Large language models are powerful text processors and reasoners, but are still subject to limitations including outdated knowledge and hallucinations, which necessitates connecting them to the world. Retrieval-augmented large language models have raised extensive attention for grounding model generation on external knowledge. However, retrievers struggle to capture relevance, especially for queries with complex information needs. Recent work has proposed to improve relevance modeling by having large language models actively involved in retrieval, i.e., to improve retrieval with generation. In this paper, we show that strong performance can be achieved by a method we call Iter-RetGen, which synergizes retrieval and generation in an iterative manner. A model output shows what might be needed to finish a task, and thus provides an informative context for retrieving more relevant knowledge which in turn helps generate a better output in the next iteration. Compared with recent work which interleaves retrieval with generation when producing an output, Iter-RetGen processes all retrieved knowledge as a whole and largely preserves the flexibility in generation without structural constraints. We evaluate Iter-RetGen on multi-hop question answering, fact verification, and commonsense reasoning, and show that it can flexibly leverage parametric knowledge and non-parametric knowledge, and is superior to or competitive with state-of-the-art retrieval-augmented baselines while causing fewer overheads of retrieval and generation. We can further improve performance via generation-augmented retrieval adaptation.


著者 Zhihong Shao,Yeyun Gong,Yelong Shen,Minlie Huang,Nan Duan,Weizhu Chen
発行日 2023-05-24 16:17:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク