ISP: Multi-Layered Garment Draping with Implicit Sewing Patterns


衣料品デザイナーが使用するモデルと同様、各衣類は個別の 2D パネルで構成されています。
それらの 2D 形状は符号付き距離関数によって定義され、3D 形状は 2D から 3D へのマッピングによって定義されます。
2D パラメータ化により潜在的な衝突を簡単に検出でき、3D パラメータ化により複雑な形状を効果的に処理できます。
さらに、個々の 2D パネルを変更することで、衣服の形状とテクスチャの迅速な編集をサポートします。


Many approaches to draping individual garments on human body models are realistic, fast, and yield outputs that are differentiable with respect to the body shape on which they are draped. However, none of them can handle multi-layered clothing, which is prevalent in everyday dress. In this paper, we introduce a parametric garment representation model that can. As in models used by clothing designers, each garment consists of individual 2D panels. Their 2D shape is defined by a Signed Distance Function and 3D shape by a 2D to 3D mapping. The 2D parameterization enables easy detection of potential collisions and the 3D parameterization handles complex shapes effectively. We show that this combination is faster and yields higher quality reconstructions than purely implicit surface representations, and makes the recovery of layered garments from images possible thanks to its differentiability. Furthermore, it supports rapid editing of garment shapes and texture by modifying individual 2D panels.


著者 Ren Li,Benoît Guillard,Pascal Fua
発行日 2023-05-23 14:23:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク