Domain Decorrelation with Potential Energy Ranking


ただし、前述の\ emph {i.i.d.}の仮定は、実際のシナリオでは一般に利用できず、その結果、深層学習アルゴリズムのパフォーマンスが急激に低下します。
この問題に取り組むために、\ textbf {Po} tential \ textbf {E} nergy \ textbf {R} anking(PoER)を使用して、オブジェクト機能とドメイン機能(\ emph {つまり}外観機能)を分離することを提案します。
PoERは、ドメイン一般化ベンチマークで優れたパフォーマンスを報告し、既存の方法と比較して、トップ1の平均精度を少なくとも1.20 \%向上させます。
さらに、ECCV 2022NICOチャレンジ\脚注{}でPoERを使用し、バニラのResNet-18だけでトップの座を獲得しています。


Machine learning systems, especially the methods based on deep learning, enjoy great success in modern computer vision tasks under experimental settings. Generally, these classic deep learning methods are built on the \emph{i.i.d.} assumption, supposing the training and test data are drawn from a similar distribution independently and identically. However, the aforementioned \emph{i.i.d.} assumption is in general unavailable in the real-world scenario, and as a result, leads to sharp performance decay of deep learning algorithms. Behind this, domain shift is one of the primary factors to be blamed. In order to tackle this problem, we propose using \textbf{Po}tential \textbf{E}nergy \textbf{R}anking (PoER) to decouple the object feature and the domain feature (\emph{i.e.,} appearance feature) in given images, promoting the learning of label-discriminative features while filtering out the irrelevant correlations between the objects and the background. PoER helps the neural networks to capture label-related features which contain the domain information first in shallow layers and then distills the label-discriminative representations out progressively, enforcing the neural networks to be aware of the characteristic of objects and background which is vital to the generation of domain-invariant features. PoER reports superior performance on domain generalization benchmarks, improving the average top-1 accuracy by at least 1.20\% compared to the existing methods. Moreover, we use PoER in the ECCV 2022 NICO Challenge\footnote{}, achieving top place with only a vanilla ResNet-18. The code has been made available at


著者 Sen Pei,Jiaxi Sun,Shiming Xiang,Gaofeng Meng
発行日 2022-07-26 01:27:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク