Late-Constraint Diffusion Guidance for Controllable Image Synthesis


これらの方法 (本稿では初期制約方法と呼びます) は、単一の解決策で複数の条件を処理することが困難です。
反復ノイズ除去プロセス中に、条件付きガイダンスが対応する条件アダプターに送信され、確立された相関関係でサンプリング プロセスが操作されます。
さらに、導入された後期制約戦略にタイムステップ リサンプリング手法と早期停止手法を装備し、ガイダンスに準拠しながら合成画像の品質を向上させます。


Diffusion models, either with or without text condition, have demonstrated impressive capability in synthesizing photorealistic images given a few or even no words. These models may not fully satisfy user need, as normal users or artists intend to control the synthesized images with specific guidance, like overall layout, color, structure, object shape, and so on. To adapt diffusion models for controllable image synthesis, several methods have been proposed to incorporate the required conditions as regularization upon the intermediate features of the diffusion denoising network. These methods, known as early-constraint ones in this paper, have difficulties in handling multiple conditions with a single solution. They intend to train separate models for each specific condition, which require much training cost and result in non-generalizable solutions. To address these difficulties, we propose a new approach namely late-constraint: we leave the diffusion networks unchanged, but constrain its output to be aligned with the required conditions. Specifically, we train a lightweight condition adapter to establish the correlation between external conditions and internal representations of diffusion models. During the iterative denoising process, the conditional guidance is sent into corresponding condition adapter to manipulate the sampling process with the established correlation. We further equip the introduced late-constraint strategy with a timestep resampling method and an early stopping technique, which boost the quality of synthesized image meanwhile complying with the guidance. Our method outperforms the existing early-constraint methods and generalizes better to unseen condition.


著者 Chang Liu,Dong Liu
発行日 2023-05-19 08:40:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク